Your grandfather was always bending my ear with stories about that book.Your grandad had a saying: "Our lives are remembered by the gifts we leave our children." This journal is his gift to you.(Taking off her skirt to reveal a bikini bottom) You do swim, do you not?.With each year a little more of us is worn away. We are like a stone the ocean beats against. True, our people live, but our culture is dying. (To Milo) You are a scholar, are you not? Judging from your diminished physique and large forehead, you can be suited for nothing else!.We're gonna save Atlantis, or we're gonna die trying! Now let's do itǃ.Oh, I swim pretty girl- Pretty good! Good, swim good, pretty good.Carrots? Why is it always carrots? I didn't even eat carrots!.Heh heh! These guys are kinda cute when they're not, you know, formed into a fiery column of death.But that's what it's all about, right? Money. I'm sure your family's gonna be very proud. And Vinny, you can to start a whole chain of flower shops. Congratulations, Audrey, looks like you and your dad can probably start that second garage after all. You're wiping out an entire civilization, but hey. I guess this is how it ends, huh? Fine, you win. Well, I don't know, why don't you translate, and I'll wave the gun around?!.It's only a grease trap, it's just like a sink! It's only a grease trap, it's just like a sink!ǃ.So, by changing this letter and inserting the correct one, we find that the Shepherd's Journal, the key to Atlantis, lies not in Ireland, gentlemen, but in Iceland. But after comparing the text to the runes on this Viking shield, I found that one of the letters have been mistranslated. Now, based on a centuries-old translation of a Norse text, historians have believed the Journal resides in Ireland. Now, this is a page from an illuminated text that describes a book called the Shepherd's Journal, said to have been a first-hand account of Atlantis and its exact whereabouts. Gentlemen, I propose that we find Atlantis, find that power source, and bring it back to the surface. More powerful than our modern internal combustion engines. Numerous ancient cultures all over the globe agree that Atlantis possessed a power source of some kind, more powerful than steam, than, than coal. Impossible, you say? Well, no, no, not for them. 10,000 years before the Egyptians built the pyramids, Atlantis had electricity, advanced medicine, even the power of flight.

Now, some of you may ask, why Atlantis? It's just a myth, isn't it? Pure fantasy? Well, that is where you'd be wrong. Now, we've all heard of the legend of Atlantis, a continent somewhere in the mid-Atlantic that was home to an advanced civilization, possessing technology far beyond our own, that, according to our friend, Plato, here, was suddenly struck by some cataclysmic event that sank it beneath the sea. First off, I'd like to thank this board for taking the time to hear my proposal. 11 Jebidiah Allardyce "Cookie" Farnsworth.